
Howdy, welcome to Armchair Reader, a site where I (and occasionally fellow readers) publish book reviews, recommendations and everything literature-related.

Reading brings us unknown friends

– HonorĂ© de Balzac 

Thank you so much for visiting my site. I am a lifelong book enthusiast but I’ve never taken the time to jot down my notes and thoughts on the books I read so I started this blog to document my reading journey. I read a bit of everything but I tend to gravitate towards lesser-read books which has many of my friends asking me for book recommendations so hopefully this site can help you find your next read.

Disclaimer: I am in no way a professional literary scholar/academic – I think the last time I seriously dissected a piece of literature was probably freshman year of college. So please don’t take anything in this blog too seriously and in the off chance that you are a student trying to complete a high school reading assignment, good luck but you’re in the wrong place. Might I suggest LitCharts instead?

If you would like to submit your book reviews or essays on literature, reach us through submissions@armchairreader.com to submit your writing.

I would love to get to know you better, leave your contact info below or follow us on our social media accounts.