
2020 Reading Wrap-Up

I don’t know about you, but 2020 has been the year in which I have read most. With nowhere to go and no friends to meet during weekends and weeknights, books have become good companions. Here’s a list of the books that kept me sane during this strange, strange year.

For a better 2020 wrap-up, check out former president Barack Obama’s 2020 favorites. I always look to President Obama’s lists for inspiration. His non-fiction recommendations are especially great. Speaking of President Obama, I’m also listening to A Promised Land on audiobook. I’m at part 2 and so far it’s wonderful.

So the standout for me in 2020 is War & Peace. I know it’s a really long book and most are intimidated to read it (and yet isn’t it so tempting to read it just to see what the hype is all about?). Stay tuned because I will be posting an in-depth review and a character list cheat sheet to help you cross War & Peace off your bucket list.

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