
Russian Literature.. Recommendations for Every Type of Reader

The number one book-related question I get asked most often is “I want to read Russian literature, do you have any recommendations?” So here I’ve decided to do a post to finally answer this question. When looking for books to start, you can use this as a starting point, put it into goodreads, and look at the “related books” or “you may also like” on the right side. I’ve discovered many, many new favorites in this way. You’re welcome!

If you’re just getting started…

If you’re just getting started but are looking to transition to the big guns…

If you’re looking for a conversation starter

If you want something less depressing

If you’ve read quite a lot of the classics and want something more modern/sci-fi/lesser known

Not sure why you would be looking for stories set in the gulag specifically but here you go…

If you want to challenge yourself…

Note: I haven’t read all the books I listed above, but I am familiar with most of them! Feel free to comment below if you have other suggestions!

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