
Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons

Ivan Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons differs from other 19th century Russian novels in that it is short (at just about 300 pages or so). Where it doesn’t differ, however, is in the philosophical questions it poses and criticisms is conveys.…

Book Reviews

Life and Fate: the 20th Century War & Peace

Why do people have memories? It would be easier to die – anything to stop remembering. How could he have taken that moment of drunken folly for the deepest truth of his life? Why had he finally given in after

Book Reviews

Buddenbrooks by Thomas Mann, or “Damn, a 25-year old wrote this?!”

As I reach my 27th year, I am reminded that I am 2 years too late to write my first masterpiece. After all, Thomas Mann wrote his first novel Buddenbrooks when he was just 25.

First off, reading this book …

Book Reviews Books Guides Recommendations

War and Peace, or the Art of Writing about Life – Check This Off Your NYR

A review of one of the greatest novels ever written. As 2020, otherwise known as the strangest and craziest year in the 21st century (so far…) comes to a close, it’s time to start drawing up your new year’s resolutions. …

Book Reviews Books

The Brothers Karamazov: The Most “Quotable” Novel Ever

“Above all, do not lie to yourself. A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls

Book Reviews

Middlemarch: a Study of the Best English Novel Ever Written

“..for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden


Self-Isolation Literature

Books You’ve Been Meaning to Pick Up… That You Should Finally Get Around to During Quarantine

Self-isolation sucks for most of us. I get. Your daily office routine has been replaced by patchy